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Security/Kali Linux로 리눅스 기초 배우기

Kali Linux 설치

by 계영수 2023. 7. 20.

1. kali.org에 방문하여 Installer 를 다운로드한다.

2. VMware Workstation 혹은 VirtualBox를 이용하여 Kali 설치를 위한 가상머신을 생성한다.

 - Debian10-x64

 - HDD 20G

3. kail 설치

  - Graphic install

  -  Select a language : English

  -  Select your location : other - Asia - South Korea

  -  Configure locales : United States

  - Configure the keyboard : American English

  - Configure the network => Hostname : kali

  - Domain name : 빈칸

  - Full name for the new user: kali

  - Username for your account: kali

  - Password: kali

  - Partitioning method : Guided - use entire disk

  - Select disk to partition: 기본값

  - Partitioning scheme: 기본값 

  - Finish partitioning and write changes to disk

  - Write the changes to disks? - Yes 

  - Software selection / Choose software to install: 기본값 유지

  - Install the GRUB boot loader to your primary drive? : Yes

  - Deivce for boot loader installation: /dev/sda

  - Reboot


4. (Optional) Snapshot 생성

5. Update & Upgrade

└─$ sudo apt update 

└─$ sudo apt upgrade