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Security/Kali Linux로 리눅스 기초 배우기

Kali Linux Text Editor(02)

by 계영수 2023. 7. 25.

sed 명령은 단어나 텍스트의 패턴을 정의하여 검색할 수 있다.  sed는 stream editor의 축약어이다.

grep 명령어를 이용하여 snor.conf 파일에서 mysql 단어 검색

└─$ sudo cat /etc/snort/snort.conf | grep mysql
[sudo] password for kali: 
include $RULE_PATH/mysql.rules
#include $RULE_PATH/server-mysql.rules

 sed를 이용하여 mysql을 MySQL로 변경하자.

└─$ sudo sed s/mysql/MySQL/g /etc/snort/snort.conf > snort2.conf
└─$ cat snort2.conf | grep MySQL          
include $RULE_PATH/MySQL.rules
#include $RULE_PATH/server-MySQL.rules
└─$ cat snort2.conf | grep mysql

more 명령어는 한 번에 한 페이지만 출력한다.

└─$ sudo more /etc/snort/snort.conf
#   VRT Rule Packages Snort.conf
#   For more information visit us at:
#     http://www.snort.org                   Snort Website
#     http://vrt-blog.snort.org/    Sourcefire VRT Blog
#     Mailing list Contact:      snort-sigs@lists.sourceforge.net
#     False Positive reports:    fp@sourcefire.com
#     Snort bugs:                bugs@snort.org
#     Compatible with Snort Versions:
#     VERSIONS :
#     Snort build options:
#     OPTIONS : --enable-gre --enable-mpls --enable-targetbased --enable-ppm --enable-perfprofiling --enable-zlib --enable-active-response --enable-normalize
r --enable-reload --enable-react --enable-flexresp3
#     Additional information:
#     This configuration file enables active response, to run snort in
#     test mode -T you are required to supply an interface -i <interface>
#     or test mode will fail to fully validate the configuration and
#     exit with a FATAL error

# This file contains a sample snort configuration. 
# You should take the following steps to create your own custom configuration:
#  1) Set the network variables.

추가 줄이나 페이지를 보려면 Enter, more를 종료하고 싶다면 q(quit).


less 필요에 다라 파일을 스크롤하는 것뿐 아니라 특정 용어를 필터링하는 것도 가능

#   VRT Rule Packages Snort.conf
#   For more information visit us at:
#     http://www.snort.org                   Snort Website
#     http://vrt-blog.snort.org/    Sourcefire VRT Blog
#     Mailing list Contact:      snort-sigs@lists.sourceforge.net
#     False Positive reports:    fp@sourcefire.com
#     Snort bugs:                bugs@snort.org
#     Compatible with Snort Versions:
#     VERSIONS :
#     Snort build options:
#     OPTIONS : --enable-gre --enable-mpls --enable-targetbased --enable-ppm --enable-perfprofiling --enable-zlib --enable-active-response --enable-normalizer --enable-reload --enable-react --enable-flexresp3
#     Additional information:
#     This configuration file enables active response, to run snort in
#     test mode -T you are required to supply an interface -i <interface>
#     or test mode will fail to fully validate the configuration and
#     exit with a FATAL error

# This file contains a sample snort configuration. 
# You should take the following steps to create your own custom configuration:
#  1) Set the network variables.

화면의 좌측 하단에 파일의 경로가 강조되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 슬래시(/) 키를 누르면 less는 파일에서 특정 용어를 찾을 수 있다. 아래 예의 경우는 'output'이라는 글자를 검색하는 경우

r --enable-reload --enable-react --enable-flexresp3
#     Additional information:
#     This configuration file enables active response, to run snort in
#     test mode -T you are required to supply an interface -i <interface>
#     or test mode will fail to fully validate the configuration and
#     exit with a FATAL error

# This file contains a sample snort configuration. 
# You should take the following steps to create your own custom configuration:
#  1) Set the network variables.